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Bauteilprüfung Zertifizierung

  • ISO 9001 approved
  • TÜV Rheinland approved
  • RISQS, formerly Link-Up, approved supplier to the UK rail industry
  • Successfully tested for vibration endurance
  • Avoids COSHH implications of alternative construction methods
  • Independent load tests on finished handrail structures to international standards

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 Approval

Cert No: GB96/6175

Wir haben seit 1995 ISO9002 und unser Qualitätsverwaltungssystem ist ständig weiterentwickelt worden. Wir sind jetzt ISO9001 und getrachten dies als mindest Standard aufrechtzuerhalten.

TÜV Rheinland
Product Safety Type Approval

TÜV Rheinland Product Safety Type Approval


The core range of Interclamps is subject to periodic rigorous testing and continuous product safety type approval by TÜV Rheinland, the leading independent test house across the globe.

Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) - Formerly Link-Up - Verified Supplier

>Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS)

We are a RISQS verified supplier.

The Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS), formerly known as Link-up, provides comprehensive supplier assurance designed for the GB rail industry. RISQS is overseen by independent industry figures and is used throughout the UK rail industry including Network Rail and London Underground.


British/European Standard BS EN 60068-2-6 Environmental Testing (Vibration)

In accordance with BS EN 60068-2-6, a British UKAS-Accredited test house conducted seven resonance (vibration) endurance tests, each of six hours duration, plus an additional six hour swept endurance test between the frequencies of 74Hz and 87Hz on one axis. After each resonance endurance dwell, the setscrews were visually checked for any movement. Throughout the whole test programme, there was no evidence of any loosening of the setscrews. Further technical information relating to the test is available on request.

Australian Standard AS 1657-2013 - Fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairways & Ladders: Design, Construction & Installation

Typical Interclamp installations of our Traditional Range, DDA Assist and Pedestrian Barriers have been successfully proof load tested in both C42 and D48 sizes in compliance with the procedures specified in AS 1657-2013, by an independent NATA and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test house.

Australian Standard AS 1428.1-2009 Design for Access & Mobility Part 1: General Requirements for Access – New Building Work

Interclamp DDA Assist fittings may be used to build handrails that conform to AS 1428.1-2009. As this standard is for finished structures, it is important that the correct Interclamp fittings and other materials (most notably tube, fixings and existing structure or substrate to which the Interclamp structure is attached) are chosen for each application and that the complete structures are both suitably designed and installed to meet the requirements of the standard.

Australian Market only: Interclamp® Compliance Statement

A Compliance Statement, which makes reference to the most relevant Australian Standards is available on request. It includes details of Inspection, Testing & Servicing requirements, in order to satisfy the needs of the standards. 

Beam Tests

Beam tests for uniformly-distributed loads have been successfully carried out by an independent British load test facility. Further details are available on request.

British Standard BS 476-7:1997 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products

The Interclamp FRP / GRP system is fire resistant and has been successfully tested in Great Britain and classified as BS 476: Part 7 : 1997 Class 2 by a UKAS accredited laboratory.

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